Homemaker Services
- MEAL PREPARATION. PEAK homemakers can help plan menus, shop for food, prepare meals and ensure their client follows the proper diet, especially one that is prescribed. As in all activities client participation is welcomed and encouraged to whatever degree they are able.
- LAUNDRY. Doing the laundry may mean bringing clean laundry up a flight of stairs to be folded or hung in a closet to doing it from start to finish. As with other household chores, we do things “their way” to keep routines and habits as close to what clients would do themselves.
- HOUSEKEEPING. PEAK homemakers can do the everyday household chores that for many become a challenge like changing bed linens, dusting, vacuuming, mopping floors or cleaning the kitchen or bathroom. We also help with reorganizing or seasonal decorating/storage.
- TRANSPORTATION/ERRANDS/SHOPPING. PEAK provides clients with incidental transportation for social activities, shopping, medical, and dental or other appointments. Clients may choose either to go along or stay at home for shopping, picking up prescriptions or running other errands. Errands can also be done while clients are at appointments for efficient use of time.